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Read moreDetailsHow to disable automatic driver updates installation via Windows Update in Windows 10.
Read moreDetailsHow to manage the recently added apps list in the Windows 10 Start menu.
Read moreDetailsHow to delete multiple blank rows and columns in Excel without deleting them one by one and save your precious...
Read moreDetailsHow to display the percentage of remaining battery in your Windows 10 laptop or tablet using the BatteryBar application on...
Read moreDetailsChange the way you open files and folders in Windows 10 by setting a single click behavior.
Read moreDetailsHow to set which folders will appear as icons in the Windows 10 Start menu for easy and fast access.
Read moreDetailsHow to disable hardware acceleration in Google Chrome to troubleshoot issues with your browser.
Read moreDetailsHere's how to hide permanently the Tools Pane sidebar when opening PDF files on Adobe Reader.
Read moreDetailsHere's how to uninstall the latest build of Windows 10 and go back to the previous one when you have...
Read moreDetailsIn Zabbix, "trends" are a type of data storage representing aggregated historical data. Zabbix monitors and collects a vast amount...
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